Author: ddnamdawn

BJM Pumps

Vendor Feature: BJM Pumps

This months pump focus is on BJM Pump’s line of Heavy Duty Submersible Sand, Sludge and Slurry Pumps. KZE Series – Submersible slurry pump  of high capacity hard metal HAZ series – MSHA approved permissible slurry pump that outlasts rubber and cast iron KZN Series – Heavy duty submersible slurry pump for the most demanding […]



This month, we are featuring Aurora Pumps, a multi-billion-dollar company that creates and sells many different styles of pumps.  At Kerr,  we specialize in these liquid pumps from Aurora.  Their Horizontal  410 series are Split Case pumps, and the 340A/360A series are End Suction pumps. Aurora 410 Series Split Case Pump The 410 series consists of […]

Alfa Laval Heat Exchangers on Pump Skid - expandable if system needs grow

Vendor Feature: Heat Exchangers: Alfa Laval

This month,  we are featuring Alfa Laval, the largest heat exchanger manufacturer in the world.  Alfa Laval has many different types of products but we will focus on heat exchangers, specifically gasket plated and frame heat exchangers. First,  if you already using an Alfa Laval Heat Exchanger,  here are some tips to make sure it […]

Corken compressor

Kerr Now Authorized Distributor for Corken Compressors & Pumps

Kerr is an authorized distributor for Corken Compressors &  Corken Pumps, bypass valves, and accessories.  Corken specializes in custom compressor packaging and pump skids designed for liquefied gas transfer, liquid transfer, air boosting, and vapor recovery applications within the process gas, energy, and transport industries. Liquefied Petroleum Gas Solutions Industrial Gas Compressor Solutions Industrial Pump Solutions […]


ChemPump G Series

Teikoku Chempump’s G Series canned motor pump has been the workhorse of the North American sealless pump industry for over 40 years. G Series pumps feature automatic hydraulic thrust balance, replaceable thrust surface design, direction of rotation indication and precision front and rear bearings. G Series Chempumps are capable of pumping fluids from -400ºF to […]


Pumps Made In America

“Made In America” is popular again.  But here at Kerr Pump & Supply, we have been making pumps in our Michigan location for over 100 years. Our Kerr Products and Haynes Pumps lines are produced entirely of domestic castings for Made In America durability.  We manufacture a patented top pull-out turbine pump, vertical process pumps, […]


Viking Pump Motor Speed Pumps – Smaller, Faster, Easier

This week, we are featuring Viking Pump’s Motor Speed Internal Gear Pumps, which offer several technological advances in the science of flow.  Kerr recommends this  for the following liquid pumping applications: Refined fuels – Oils, Diesel, Biofuel Oils – Crude oil lubrication, Hydraulic, Edible oils Chemicals – Solvents, Glycols, Refrigerants. The Viking Pump Motor Speed […]